
General info

We believe it is possible to make great films on very low budgets. Prove us right, that it is possible!

We are a yearly film festival. We focus on creative films made on low budgets. We accept all genres, but as our favorites are action, horror, sci-fi, etc, films on those genres have slightly better chances of winning than drama, comedy, etc, films.

… and we spend 10% of the profit to plant trees to save our planet for future generations.

Awards & Prizes

  1. All films that were selected will receive an Official Laurel.
  2. Finalists and winners will receive Laurels and will be mentioned on our website and our Twitter to help your movie be seen worldwide. Short clips will be shown in film festival videos that will be published on Vimeo and/or YouTube
  3. Winners will also be commented on by our jury and published on previously mentioned channels. Longer or multiple clips will be shown in film festival videos that will be published in Vimeo and/or YouTube (unless film maker denies it).
  4. Some surprise prizes will be announced later on.

Rules & Terms:

All films must be submitted via, Vimeo or YouTube link.

All films must be subtitled in English, if English is not the film language.

All films must be final versions. We do not accept work-in-progress versions.

We do not accept films made with budgets exceeding 10.000 euros, and we do not accept films made with budget exceeding 1.000 euros to nano-budget categories. Equipment such as cameras bought before starting production of a submitted film will not be calculated in the budget, but things bought or rented for this film must be calculated in the budget.

Films under 40 minutes long are considered as short films and films at least 40 minutes are considered as feature films.

Submitted films must be finished 2020-2022. Publishing dates can be later.

Entry fees are non-refundable.

Each entry has its own entry fee, but you may submit to multiple categories that your movie fits into.

The submitter is responsible for the rights of the film. Budget Film Festival is not responsible in any terms of copyright issues. However we accept films that have mechanised music, but in that case, the submitter must let us know which part (timecodes) of the film has copyrighted music in.

We preserve rights to change rules, schedule, categories, prices, etc, at any time.


You may submit your film here:

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